Join SV@Home for a conversation about San Jose’s recent analysis of Fair Housing and how it may help shape affordable housing resources.
How should cities use housing policy to address the longstanding disparate impact of patterns of racial and economic segregation? How should we think about the dual fair housing goals of expanding affordable housing opportunity to prevent displacement and increasing affordable choices in wealthier parts of our cities that haven’t traditionally been where we build affordable housing? This is a critical public discussion, and we are pleased to invite you to join in.
The City of San Jose is exploring ways of changing where it will fund affordable housing development in the city. While the updated “Siting Policy” will not come to the City Council for approval until the fall, the outlines of the recommended policy show significant changes. The new policy incorporates a number of specific goals: to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) consistent with Federal and California fair housing laws; to increase affordable housing in higher opportunity neighborhoods, and to mitigate residential displacement.
Meanwhile, last month the department released its federally required Assessment of Fair Housing, which outlined major barriers to housing choice and stability facing Black, Latinx, and some Asian communities, and presented clear patterns of residential segregation in the City from east to west. Policy proposals in response to the Fair Housing assessment are also expected back in the Fall. Come learn more about how these two separate but related housing policies are coming together, and share your thoughts.
Jacky Morales-Ferrand, Director, San Jose Housing Department
Josh Ishimatsu, Senior Development Officer, Policy Group, San Jose Housing Department
The HAC is a monthly, informal brownbag discussion convening Housers to engage on hot housing topics. Every month, we select a topic or current event, bring in an expert to give a brief presentation, and then open up the discussion to ask questions, float new ideas, and identify potential areas for shared action.
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