
As wildfires worsen, temperatures peak and air quality decreases, Bay Area communities are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. These challenges directly impact the caliber and number of houses available and to be built. This year’s LWV Bay Area annual educational day explores how we build more housing that is affordable while protecting critical natural and working lands. A resilient Bay Area requires the implementation of strategies at local and regional levels that can achieve multiple benefits. Our Solving for Housing webinar will take a holistic look at land-use strategies and decision-making involved in placing housing today at the federal, state and regional level. 

Learn how leading environmental and housing advocates are coming together to create a more resilient California with nature-based solutions for how we use our land and equitably grow our cities. Hear state and regional experts like Thomas Silverstein (Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law) discuss Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (Chair of the Committee on Housing and Community Development) and Senator Dave Cortese (Senate Housing and Transportation Committees) discuss critical actions being taken to increase housing affordability and availability for all, while addressing climate challenges.

The panel Save the Planet with Land Use!—Alliance for Housing and Climate Solutions,  features speakers like Sarah Karlinsky, SPUR author of Housing as Infrastructure; Amanda  Brown Stevens, Greenbelt Alliance Executive Director and author of Resilience by Design-Resilience Playbook; and Graciela Castillo-Krings, Sacramento Advocates and advisor to Alliance for Housing; moderated by Melissa Breach, COO of YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard).

Experience interactive resilience demonstrations from the Resilience Playbook and the Cool Climate Network featuring Ben Gould (UC Berkeley Development) and Dr. Chris Jones (Director UCB and Lecturer at Haas School of Business). They will show you how to calculate your Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by census block and show your carbon footprint. Hear from California Department of Housing and Community Development (invited), state legislators and local elected officials explore the Housing Landscape in 2022-what’s happening now and on the horizon regarding policy, legislation and housing elements.

February 19th
10:00AM - 2:30PM
Online Event