
In order for Los Altans to better understand our Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) target, what is needed for our Housing Element, and how we can plan for new homes, we have invited two representatives from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to speak to our community.  Join us to learn how our city can create a successful plan for housing that satisfies both our state obligations as well as our community needs.


  • Colin Cross, HCD Representative, Land Use and Planning
  • Annelise Osterberg, HCD Representative, Data and Research Unit

Jon Biggs, Community Development Director, and Guido Persicone, Planning Services Manager, will also be available to answer questions as representatives of the City of Los Altos.  Questions will be moderated by Tom Myers, Executive Director of Community Services Agency MV/LA.

Sponsored by the Los Altos Affordable Housing Alliance, League of Women Voters MV/LA, Los Altos Community Voices, Los Altos Community Coalition, Los Altos Forward, Los Altos Women’s Caucus, Los Altos Residents, Justice Vanguard, and SV@Home.

Join via Zoom:

February 22nd
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Online Event