
Hosted by CityLab Professional

We focus on building leaders, not just building skills. Building Communities, not just restoring families, and giving economic importance to skills-based technical training to make SMARTER Homes.

We source through a creative artist community of vocational craftsmen, our builders, communities, and families gain leadership excellence, technical training, and access to affordable housing, through this pipeline.

Come for an open discussion, creative idea session, and meet industry leaders from the Maker Community as we describe a solution that we are looking at in local bay area MakerLabs.

This event will draw upon the collective talent we provide in three areas (3) Technical Education, Local Employment, and Building Affordable Housing, that will still be sustainable in 2030.

Our event will feature a lively discussion outlining the impact that the Maker Community is having on innovation, (Think Google SMART HOME/ 5G Networks, etc) highlighting commitments that have been made, sharing ideas for how companies of all sizes can play a transformative role by engaging new perspectives.

5:30 – 6:00 PM Preview of the Project (Early Bird and RSVP)

6:00 – 6:30 PM Doors Open: Welcome and Meet and Greet the Makers

6:35 – 6:45 PM What is a Maker & What is the Maker Movement?

6:45 – 7:15 PM How Community groups can access tools, equipment, and talent

7:15 – 7:30 PM Creative tools (Concrete 3D Printed Homes/Reclaimed Materials/Open Source Plans

7:30 – 7:45 PM Use of MakerLabs/Vocational Training/Affordable Housing to generate $3M in economic value

7:45 – 8:30 PM Open forum (Live Podcast Q &A)

May 14th
6:00PM - 9:00PM
Forager Tasting Room & Eatery
