
The City Council will hold a public hearing on Mountain View’s City-wide affordable housing requirements for new market rate developments.  Up for discussion are inclusionary housing requirements for both for-sale and rental housing, housing impact fee policies for residential and non-residential/commercial development, and affordable housing policies for specific plans.  

The City currently has a 10% inclusionary housing requirement on for-sale housing developments with 10 or more units.  Prior to the Palmer decision, this requirement also applied to rental housing developments.  With the passage of AB 1505 as part of this year’s Housing Package, the City of Mountain View now has the opportunity to once again apply its inclusionary housing requirement to rental housing.  SV@Home is advocating for a 15% inclusionary requirement on both for-sale and rental housing in all cities throughout Santa Clara County.  Join us at this meeting to push for a strong affordable housing strategy that supports housing for all!

For a summary of Mountain View’s current affordable housing policies, visit SV@Home’s Resource Hub.  

November 28th - January 1st 1970
6:30PM - 12:00AM
Mountain View City Hall - Council Chambers
