
Event Slides:

City of San José staff has recently proposed changes to the Affordable Housing Siting Policy (the Siting Policy) presented at three community meetings held throughout the months of September and October of this year. The Siting Policy determines where affordable housing should be located in San Jose and how they are invested through City funds. City Council direction on the Siting Policy’s update process last year in 2021 led to disagreement from several community-based organizations, claiming that it would disinvest the necessary affordable housing that is needed in historically redlined communities. Join us with members of the Race Equity Action Leadership (REAL) Coalition’s Housing Justice Workgroup (HJW) to find out more about the Siting Policy: its history, how it is implemented today, where it is heading, and what impact you can have to make it an equitable policy.

This free, virtual event is moderated by SV@Home.

Beginning in 1988, the San José Housing Department created a “Dispersion Policy” for the City of San José’s investments in affordable housing. The goal of this policy was to balance the amount of affordable housing throughout the city. In 2017, the City Council decided to pause the policy’s implementation so that it could be updated and aligned with the Envision: 2040 General Plan’s goals to focus development in mixed-use, walkable Urban Village areas, concentrating growth near transit corridors throughout the city. Importantly, the City Council also wanted the policy to be consistent with federal and state guidance on fair housing. The now-called “Affordable Housing Siting Policy” intends to help the City affirmatively further fair housing, consistent with federal and California fair housing laws, while delivering much-needed affordable housing throughout San José.

City of San José Affordable Housing Siting Policy Webpage:

SV@Home’s Policy in Action @ Home series (PIA, formerly the Housing Action Coalition or HAC) is a monthly, informal brownbag discussion convening Housers to engage on hot housing topics. Every month, we select a topic or current event, bring in an expert to give a brief presentation or interview, and then open up the discussion to ask questions, float new ideas, and identify potential areas for shared action.

SV@Home strives to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please email

November 18th
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Online Event