
Hosted by Silicon Valley Bike Coalition

Guess what May is? It’s Bike Month! And guess what the week of May 11th is? Affordable Housing Week! So what would happen if we married the two?[spacer height=”20px”]

Wheelie Home: An affordable housing bike ride

Join us for a fun bike ride to learn about affordable housing in San Jose. At each stop, we’ll hear from someone who was intimately involved in the planning and development of each housing site and pedal away from the ride better educated about one of Silicon Valley’s most pressing challenges.

It’s fun to learn by bike. Join us!

Meet promptly at 1pm. We will roll out at 1:15pm sharp!
Meeting location: 
All rides will start and end at St. James Park – corner of 3rd St. and St. John.
Length of rides: Between 6 -12 miles. Rides will end at St. James Park around 4pm. 
 Free and open to everyone!
Pace: A very casual pace with lead, middle and rear leaders. No one will be left behind.
CA helmet law: Persons under age 18 must wear a helmet.
Families: These are family friendly rides, however, we ask that there are no riders who are in need of training wheels.

Contact Mui Sam Le or Ann Jasper, or

May 11th
1:00PM - 5:00PM
St. James Park – Corner of 3rd St. and St. John