On Tuesday, March 5th, the San Jose City Council will hold its annual Priority Setting Session, that will prioritize issues for council and staff action in the coming year. Some of these items will likely carry over from the following year, including study of a commercial linkage fee, work on the mobile home conversion ordinance and finalizing the City’s new policies around Accessory Dwelling Units. New housing items proposed by Councilmembers include exploration of reducing fees for Accessory Dwelling Units (Arenas), reduced parking requirements for development near transit and regional comparison of CEQA process (Foley), and exploration of consolidating development fees (without lowering fees) into a single fee to streamline the development process (Liccardo).
The Priority Setting discussion will be the first action item on the agenda. San Jose City Council meetings begin at 1:30 pm, in the Council Chambers in City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara St.
Details of the proposed items and staff recommendations can be found here.