
This event is hosted by City of San José Office of Economic Development as part of Affordable Housing Month 2021.

The City of San José has launched, San José Housing Site Explorer, an interactive, web-based map and data site to help identify potential sites of new housing development. The application can be used to apply a wide variety of filters to search for properties in the City that meet specific criteria. Every property in the City has a detailed parcel page that offers a wide variety of relevant data. The City is also adding pre-defined filter sets that flag properties of interest, for instance, properties that meet  the criteria for the City’s “1.5-acre” rule that allows for infill affordable development on commercial properties.

On May 17th, City staff will conduct a brief demonstration of San José Housing Site Explorer and be available to answer any questions or take your feedback on how it can be improved.

May 17th
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Online Event