As part of its fifty-year Regional Strategy, SPUR has estimated that the region needs to produce 2.2 million housing units over the next half-century, across all income levels, in order to meet anticipated demand while simultaneously addressing the chronic housing shortage caused by the last two decades of limited residential construction. These homes must be planned throughout the region: in areas that are well served by transit, in commercial corridors and historic downtowns, in areas with great schools, jobs and amenities and even in our suburbs. However, to do this, it is imperative that we also re-think the rules that govern how we plan for and permit housing. Come examine what it’ll require to build the more than two million homes necessary as part of our new series, “Housing the Region”.
+ Sen. Scott Wiener / California State Senate
+ Kristy Wang / SPUR
+ Michael Lane / SPUR
+ Sarah Karlinsky / SPUR