Commercial land is ubiquitous throughout California, but can repurposing these areas for housing make a meaningful dent in the state’s housing crisis? Join the Terner Center on Monday, November 15, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM PT for a webinar to discuss findings from an analysis of commercial to residential conversions. We will examine how many homes have been created in recent years on office and retail sites, and what features characterize these projects.
California Secretary of the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency Lourdes M. Castro Ramírez will give the opening keynote remarks.
Terner Center Affiliate Dr. Issi Romem will offer a presentation of the paper findings, followed by a panel of planning experts and developers who have spearheaded commercial conversion projects.
The webinar is co-presented by the American Planning Association Housing & Community Development Division and is available for 1 CM credit.