California state capitol
August 10, 2018

HCD Announces Housing Accountability Actions

California Department of Housing & Community Development
California Department of Housing & Community Development

The State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) just announced a new process to hold local governments in California accountable for providing housing opportunities for their residents, consistent with the provisions of Assembly Bill 72 (Santiago, 2017).

This bill confirmed HCD’s authority to oversee local government compliance with State housing laws and to, when necessary, revoke its finding of housing element compliance. Under this authority, HCD can “refer issues of noncompliance by a local government with this and other housing laws—such as the Housing Accountability Act and State Density Bonus Law—to the State Office of the Attorney General.”

Check out this 5-minute video, with HCD’s Director Ben Metcalf discussing how HCD is implementing its new authority and holding local governments accountable.