On September 26, the Mountain View City Council will be voting on a housing policy for North Bayshore. Their decision will impact the affordability of Silicon Valley for decades to come. We need you to join SV@Home and Greenbelt Alliance in taking action to ensure that the North Bayshore Precise Plan supports the creation of housing that is affordable to people of all income levels.
Take a look at this fact sheet to learn more about what’s going on in North Bayshore.
What You Can Do
1. Sign On to the Coalition Letter
Let the Council know what you stand for by adding your name to the #SayYesNBS Coalition’s comment letter, and share the letter via social media to grow the coalition. Along with our partner organizations, we will deliver this letter to the City Council prior to the September 26 Council meeting.
2. Testify at a City Council Meeting
The City Council needs to hear directly from you! Attend the September 26th and November 14th City Council meetings to testify in person during the public hearing and share your personal story of why housing for all is important to you. These meetings will be at the Mountain View City Hall (Council Chambers) at 500 Castro Street, Mountain View (exact time uncertain, but we estimate that the item will begin between 8:00 and 8:30 pm, agenda will be posted here the Friday before each meeting).
Participate in the September 26th Gathering at City Hall
Join fellow advocates for a gathering prior to the September 26th Council study session at 7:00 pm to show your support for the Plan’s original vision of 9,850 homes and 20 percent affordable housing. We will be calling for the Council to “stay the course” to create affordable, sustainable neighborhoods in North Bayshore.
4. Spread the Word!
The North Bayshore decision will impact everyday life in Mountain View, so we need to make it part of everyday conversation. This issue goes beyond just Mountain View; because the outcome of North Bayshore Precise Plan can potentially set a new standard for planning and development throughout Silicon Valley.
Talk to your family, friends, and networks in Mountain View and beyond about this critical opportunity for affordable housing, and invite them to join you in taking action!
Additional Resources
- City of Mountain View: North Bayshore Precise Plan Update Website
- SV@Home: June 27, 2017 comment letter re: North Bayshore Precise Plan Land Use and Transportation Topics