As of December 31, 2020, the Measure A program has committed over $499.35 million of funding to homes for the county’s most vulnerable people. This includes $25 million for the first-time homebuyer loan program, $11.9 million for a Supportive Housing Fund for predevelopment loans, and $462.45 million for 40 housing projects. These housing projects are in the process of adding 2,368 units of affordable housing included in the County’s housing goals, and an additional 323 units of low-income housing and 80 units of moderate-income housing. For every dollar invested by the Measure A program, the County has leveraged an average of $2.77 from outside investments.

Measure A Housing Bond funding approvals are on track, with nearly half of the 4,800 unit goal approved after only 4 years of the 10-year timeline, including 1,503 new homes with supportive services. Some Measure A-funded projects have experienced delays in receiving land use approvals from cities, and some have experienced delays in securing all financing, which has delayed the completion of some units. However, the County does not anticipate that delays will affect the Program’s ability to meet its goals by the end of 2026. Significantly, proposed developments also will help our community prevent homelessness by providing 1,160 homes affordable for working families with very low (VLI) and extremely low incomes (ELI). SV@Home is thankful for the ongoing commitment of the Board of Supervisors, County staff, and the voters of Santa Clara County to leverage Housing Bond funds to end homelessness and address our affordable housing crisis. View the 2016 Measure A Housing Bond Progress Dashboard, and the most recent Supportive Housing Development Program Update.

What is Measure A?
On November 8, 2016, 67.88% of Santa Clara County voters approved a landmark funding measure for affordable housing, making $950 million available for the acquisition or improvement of housing for vulnerable populations. In 2017, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved funding for the first six developments, each of which includes supportive housing units dedicated to households exiting homelessness.
Measure A allows the County to borrow up to $950 million by issuing general obligation bonds. The County will use this money to acquire or improve real property to provide affordable housing for populations that face challenges securing stable housing. People eligible for this housing include veterans, seniors, people with disabilities, low-income individuals and families with incomes no higher than 80% of the area median income, moderate-income individuals and families with incomes between 80% and 120% of the area median income, current and former foster youth, victims of abuse, homeless people, and people with mental illness or substance abuse-related illnesses.
Housing acquired or improved using bond funds could be sold or rented at below-market rates. Bond funds also could be used to provide housing in connection with supportive mental health and substance abuse services.
Bond Oversight
The County has established a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to serve as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors and the public. This Committee will be charged with:
- Advising on whether the bond funds are being used for the intended purpose
- Advising on whether the bond funds are being spent in an efficient, effective, and timely manner
- Advising on whether the issuance of bonds and investment of bond proceeds is fiscally sound
- Recommending any changes to the implementation of the bond
- Conducting an annual review
An independent auditor will report to the Committee to review the expenditure of bond proceeds and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
Additional Resources
- Civil Grand Jury Report: Measure A Gets An A
- Santa Clara County Affordable Housing Bond- Measure A 2016
- Full Text of Measure A
- Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: Resolution Authorizing the Measure A Ballot Measure