
What would make El Camino Real an inspirational place that would reflect our vision for the next generation? That was the question considered by an engaged group of 30 community members at a community meeting in Santa Clara co-sponsored by SV@Home on Tuesday, February 27.

The discussion quickly focused in on what it would take for El Camino Real to become a more inviting place for walking or biking; how new and affordable homes could help address the acute housing needs, while facilitating the vibrancy everyone wanted; and how creative transit and parking work to make real destinations accessible.

The following evening, Wednesday, February 28th, the City of Santa Clara sponsored a public engagement event attended by nearly 100 residents who heard an overview of existing conditions and then divided into stations to identify goals for a broad vision of the corridor.

Overwhelmingly, the assembled group identified housing affordable to all income ranges as its top priority. Echoing earlier discussions, the group also expressed support for walkability, open spaces, and improved transit, while discussing concepts such as urban form and streetscape, land use, transportation, and other priorities.

We will continue to work with partners to engage the Santa Clara community on their vision for El Camino Real.

The next Community Advisory Committee meeting will be held in early summer.