Lawrence Station in Sunnyvale
July 5, 2018

Sunnyvale City Council Takes Action on Lawrence Station Area Plan


Sunnyvale City leaders discussed changes to the proposed Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) at the June 26th city council meeting, considering several scenarios that would increase housing opportunities in the plan area. Adopted by the Council in 2016, the LSAP covers an area of  approximately 319 acres of urbanized lands adjacent to the Lawrence Caltrain Station.  The plan is expected to be completed by Spring 2019.

The original LSAP envisioned 2,323 homes and 1.2 million square feet of office/industrial space.  Staff provided three proposed alternatives that would have increased the number of homes: (1) expanding the LSAP area to enable 3,398 homes, (2) increasing densities to allow 4,087 homes, or (3) both expanding the area and increasing density to allow 5,162 homes.  Staff recommended Alternative 3.  After discussing these alternatives, the Council voted to increase the density to 100 dwelling units per acre in specifically zoned areas and to study an expanded area east of Calabasas Creek as well as the area between Willow Avenue and Lawrence Expressway.  With this action, the LSAP would allow for development of more than 5,000 housing units.

As follow up to the Council action, City staff will begin to conduct studies on the potential impact of the increased density and will conduct community outreach.