
2020 Final Legislative Session Update

Since its inception, SV@Home has championed State legislation that seeks to improve and expand the availability of affordable housing.

In 2018, SV@Home expanded its role in legislative advocacy by serving as one of three Co-Chairs of the Committee to House the Bay Area, which resulted in the CASA Compact. Sponsored by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the CASA Compact is a 10-point policy package that aims to confront the 9-County Bay Area’s housing crisis head-on. It includes a series of policy proposals that seek to Protect renters from unjust evictions and displacement, Preserve existing affordable housing units, and Produce more housing at all income levels.

Following the release of the CASA Compact, the 3Ps Coalition was formed to continue on the significant and important cross-sector effort that came out of CASA, bringing together natural and unnatural allies– nonprofit and for-profit developers, local government officials, labor leaders, environmental and justice nonprofit leaders, corporate representatives, and others. SV@Home’s Executive Director is one of three Co-Chairs of the 3Ps Coalition.

In the 2018-2019 legislative cycle, the 3Ps Coalition introduced bills that implemented the CASA Compact. Ten of these bills made it through the process and were signed by the Governor in October, 2019. This included landmark tenant protection bills to create a rent cap, enact Just Cause Eviction protections, and provide a right to legal counsel. See the bills signed by the Governor here.

In the 2019-20 legislative cycle, the 3Ps Coalition worked to push forward bills that implement the rest of the CASA Compact, with a significant focus on production since many of the production proposals did not make it through the legislature in 2019. Take a look at the bills included in the 2019-2020 legislative session

In addition to the 3Ps bills, SV@Home supports legislation that creates more housing opportunity in Santa Clara County.

Federal Legislation

In addition to State policy issues, SV@Home is concerned about and is tracking federal policy conversations related to the federal budget and its impact on local funding and the Santa Clara County Housing Authority, as well as tax reform and its potential impact on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).

Key Partners

  • California Housing Consortium (CHC): CHC is a statewide advocacy organization working to preserve and increase State and federal funding for affordable housing, reduce barriers to development, increase tools that enable housing production, and ensure the efficient operation of public housing programs.
  • Housing California: Housing California is the voice for affordable housing in Sacramento, working to ensure that all Californians have access to a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.
  • California Housing Partnership Corporation (CHPC): CHPC is a State-chartered nonprofit agency that works to preserve California’s existing supply of affordable homes and to provide leadership on affordable housing policy and resource issues.
  • Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH): NPH is the voice of affordable housing for the nine-county Bay Area, working to increase affordable housing opportunities for lower-income households through advocacy, policy, research, and engagement.

Additional Resources